We are a solar installer company based in Bali and aiming to provide cheaper and cleaner energy to Indonesians
We are a solar installer company based in Bali and aiming to provide cheaper and cleaner energy to Indonesians
The Sun resource in Indonesia can vary a lot from one area to another but Bali benefits from one of the best solar exposure in the country (hyper link to solar map) and is among the best in the world. The sun resource tells us how much energy an installation can generate per year on average. As you can imagine this amount of sun received by a house varies from one year to another, this is why the estimates are based on 20 years average.
Roof space will determine how many panels can be installed on your roof. Modern PV panels are between 1.5 and 2 m2 each.
Tilt angle plays a major part in getting the most out of your solar installation: the flatter it is, the better but in Bali, due to specific Balinese design, most roofs have between 25° and 40°angle. But don’t worry, solar PV will work fine even with 40°angle and you will get lots of kWh!
Azimuth the orientation your roof is facing: 0° is North, 180° is South, 90° is East and 270° is West. Because we are on the Southern Hemisphere, the best orientation is toward the North. However, because we are next to the Equator, this has little influence on the generation and every orientation will provide great results.
Shading is generated by surrounding building or trees and will reduce the generation. The closer the obstacle, the bigger the shading and energy generation is not maximized. However modern technologies such as micro-inverter or DC optimizer will help reducing the shading impact.
Level of electrical connection will ultimately dictate the ultimate size of the PV installation: PLN limits it to 90% of the connection level. So, if your electrical connection is 6 600 Watt, 90% of 6,600 = 5,940 W, this is the maximum size of the solar PV installation your home can take.
These may seem like a lot but relax, most houses do not meet all the ideal criteria and are still very well suited for solar power. The most important criteria is the sun resource and Indonesia has a lot of it!
French Solar Industry produces its own panels (hyperlink) with the latest technology, performance and warranties on the market. We have a unique team made of solar industry professionals with extensive experience in solar projects worldwide.
The design and engineering are made in house by certified designers and verified by international experts to apply industry best practice
For the installation, French Solar Industry uses both in-house and PV experienced professionals who have successfully installed several hundreds of kWp to date.
Ultimately, we want our customers to be happy and recommend us to their friends or family so we find the best solution for their needs and budget and make it happen: we deliver.